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SANYO :: Air Purification Systems (OLD) :: Technology

Each one of us typically breathes in about 3,500 gallons* of air into our lungs every day. Since air is so vital to our very existence, it makes sense to think very carefully about this remarkable but invisible substance. SANYO developed the Air Washer Pro function to suppress airborne pathogens by using electrolyzed water. It literally washes the air to make it fresh and clean. And it may just become the new standard in air purification.

*The average amount of daily air intake for an adult.

How It Works

Electrolyzed water is created by passing an electric current through ordinary tap water resulting in the formation of hypochlorous acid and hydroxyl radicals. SANYO's patented process results in two highly effective oxidizing and cleaning agents to wash your air safely and effectively, while also suppressing germs, bacteria, allergens, molds, and removing odors.  

The Electrolyzed Water is automatically applied to SANYO's high density honeycomb filter which removes airborne contaminants as the air is passed through the unit.

The unit also employs a highly effective pre-filter designed to capture airborne particulates before they enter the electrolyzed water filter,
providing a dual layer of protection. This allows the system to always operate at peak efficiency. 

An automatic salt dispenser adds a "power boost" feature that rapidly removes odors from the air. This feature can be enabled by the user through a simple on/off switch. 

사업자 정보 표시
서광 | 조각희 | 경기도 안산시 단원구 원시동 739-2 반월공단 5BL-20LT | 사업자 등록번호 : 134-23-54389 | TEL : 02-6369-9876 | Mail : haccpin@naver.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 2006-경기안산-0243호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기